

Created by Ron Z

Valkyrie Saviors Key of Storms Second Chance shop! Open two weeks only!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

November news
about 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 01:39:19 PM

Olympus Legions!

First I want to thank you all for your patience and apologize for the delay on fulfillment of this campaign.  I'm sure many of you have read about the global printing issues and import issues due to current events - we can't even ship to Australia at this moment from our regular shop through most of our regular shipping means.  Things are progressing, slowly but surely.  3D Lenticulars took much longer to arrive than usual and to assemble. The reason is one printer did not inform me the global issues had caused the glue they use to create metals/lenticulars were near impossible to get.  Instead many  weeks passed with "soon" and no ETA.  I finally switched to a different printer to get this done, and they estimate the 3D Lenticular assembly should be done by early next week.  They are also doing metals for the same above reason.  The regular books printer didnt finish yet, they were waiting until the lenticulars and metals are in their hands since they will be fulfilling too.  However, they usually get it done in about a week and the shortages did not affect them.  Knowing the holiday is at the end of the month, I believe shipping should start in the beginning of December.  All stretch goal items have arrived and are assembled.  Hard covers have arrived, were damaged and the replacements for them are already here too.  So we just need the 3D lenticulars and metals, and for the last of the regular books to finish printing, followed by packaging everything for backers.  I will post an update either at the end of the month with where things are, or sooner if I hear anything from them.

Thank you all again for your patience.

over 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 15, 2021 at 10:36:51 AM

Olympus Legions!

The printers are working but they are looking like mid to late November fulfillment at this time.  The 3D lenticulars were supposed to arrive a couple weeks ago from abroad and they are currently investigating where they are.  Of course if they dont show up I will pay to reorder them, but fingers crossed they show up. If the 3D lenticulars are the only items holding things up then we'll move forward with fulfilling everything else once everything else is ready.  The current global printing issues did affect some of the printers I am working with as well. I'll post an update as soon as I hear more info or in a couple weeks if no other new info. 

Thank you all for your patience. Again I am sorry for these delays.

Ron Z

Update news
over 3 years ago – Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 11:41:50 AM

Olympus Legions!

I am sorry for the delay in update, but unfortunately the printer is still far behind schedule.  I will be going in person tomorrow to see what can be done and when they estimate it can be finished.  In my last update I had mentioned September or October from their estimate, but from recent emails with the printer it does seem more like late October or November. One of the issues is they are still waiting on 3D lenticulars from abroad which have been delayed due to Covid and they had other in house delays. 

If you have any questions please email me at [email protected]

Again very sorry for the delay.  


over 3 years ago – Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 11:53:23 PM

Olympus Legions!

Thank you all for your patience and to those who completed the surveys.  I still have 65 surveys not completed, they need to be completed for these 65 people to receive their items.  In the meantime I sent estimates regardless to the printers a few weeks ago.  Right now fulfillment is looking  like late September or early October due to printer delays, but I will try to post an update every two weeks from here on out with the status of things.  Later this week I will set up digital downloads to go out for people that ordered digital items such as issue 1 and 2 digital and Mount Olympus Collection digital. I'll also be sending out digital stretch goal rewards in the next week or two.

If you have any questions or a change of address in the meantime, please email [email protected]

In other news we have our Hard Cover Collection coming soon to Indiegogo! This is a 3 hard cover connecting cover set of Patriotika Volume 1, Samurai of Oz Volume 1 and Valkyrie Saviors Volume 1 with art by Sun Khamunaki! Check out the cover here:

The actual hard covers will all be virgin with no logos or text!

We'll also have an exclusive dust jacket for each book, this is just the early work in progress for the Patriotika one:

Join our mailing list to get updates on this and our other events such as our upcoming end of summer sale here:

More updates soon!

Smoke test are out!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 01:46:00 PM

Hey guys, smoke tests have gone out! Please email [email protected] if you have any questions and please complete the surveys if you received them today as soon as possible so I can send the rest of them to everyone else.  Deadline is for all Surveys is July 23rd 8PM PST.

If you are in the Houston area this weekend come by and say hello at Comicpalooza! We'll be at booth 1452 with Alfred Trujillo and AZ Powergirl Cara Nicole! Cara might just show up in Patriotika cosplay too! And our Houston exclusives will be at the show and on our shop all weekend starting tomorrow, Wednesday 12PM PST. Featured cover by Sano:

More updates soon!

Ron Z